
Install Kong Data Plane Node (Kong Gateway) on Windows (docker) - Self-Managed Hybrid

Install Kong Data Plane Node (Kong Gateway) on Windows (docker) - Self-Managed Hybrid

Hello Tech Enthusiasts 👋,

Continuing my journey of learning Kong Konnect, today I’ll walk you through installing a Kong Gateway node (Data Plane) on Windows.

If you’re new to Kong, I recommend checking out my previous article before proceeding Getting Started with Kong API Management.


  • Sign-up and access to Kong Konnect
  • Docker Desktop
  • Basic knowledge on docker container and pods

Create Data Plane Node

  • Login to Kong Konnect and navigate to Gateway Manager
  • If this is first time, then New Gateway as ‘On-Prem’
  • Once created, select On-Prem and then navigate to Data Plane Nodes
  • Click New Data Plane Node.
  • Select Gateway Version as the latest , platform as Windows.

Follow the following screenshot :

Create Data Plane Node Windows

Docker Desktop and Konnect GW Node Comparison

Create Gateway Service and Test

Gateway Service Landing Page

Gateway Service Form

Routes Landing Page

Routes Form

Postman Testing

Analytics Screen Testing

Please do let me know your thoughts and any question in comments.

— Keep Learning 😊

— Aditya Singh

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