Install Kong Data Plane Node (Kong Gateway) on Windows (docker) - Self-Managed Hybrid
Install Kong Data Plane Node (Kong Gateway) on Windows (docker) - Self-Managed Hybrid
Hello Tech Enthusiasts 👋,
Continuing my journey of learning Kong Konnect, today I’ll walk you through installing a Kong Gateway node (Data Plane) on Windows.
If you’re new to Kong, I recommend checking out my previous article before proceeding Getting Started with Kong API Management.
- Sign-up and access to Kong Konnect
- Docker Desktop
- Basic knowledge on docker container and pods
Create Data Plane Node
- Login to Kong Konnect and navigate to Gateway Manager
- If this is first time, then New Gateway as ‘On-Prem’
- Once created, select On-Prem and then navigate to Data Plane Nodes
- Click New Data Plane Node.
- Select Gateway Version as the latest , platform as Windows.
Follow the following screenshot :
Create Data Plane Node Windows
Docker Desktop and Konnect GW Node Comparison
Create Gateway Service and Test
Please do let me know your thoughts and any question in comments.
— Keep Learning 😊
— Aditya Singh
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